
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2019


Smart Coffee Calculator SmartCoffeeCalculator It's quite simple, It helps you calculate how much coffee to add to x amount of water, or vice-versa. It also has a timer ready, set to 4 minutes, so you don't leave your coffee brewing for too long. - Calculate how much coffee to add to x amount - Calculate The price of coffee cups - Very smart calculator


BitGraphPrice BitGraphPrice App , is your tool with beautiful graph of bitcoin state. in your travel you can use it very easy. with features :: - Very wonderfull graph for bit coin state - Bitcoin State fo week ,days and year - Very smart Calaulator

Master Converter Live App

Master Converter Live App Master Converter Live App is your tool in your trip ,will help you to convert any currency you want. with many features :: - very smart currency converter - Bitcoin Exchange rate - Graph Exchange rate - very smart Calculator

Master Live Converter

Master Live Converter MasterLiveConverter is tool convert you currency in your travel around the world , with many features:: - Live currency exchange  - Very smart Calculator - Smart Graph sate of currency 

Orange Tipste

Orange Tipste Orange Tipster is your smart tool to count tipster with live currency state. Which allow you to count tips for group of people with many features. - Vert smart tips clculator for geopu of people - Live exchange rate to know th value of currency. - very smart currency graph - Smart Calculator

Green Currency Converte

Green Currency Converter Green Currency Converter is your smart app in your travels. With many great features to to make converter very easy for you. - Very beautiful view to convert between currencies. - Bitcoin special converter - Smart graph to show live state of currency - very smart calculator to help you in counting and etc

MixConverter App

MixConverter App MixConverter App is your friend in your trip. With this app you can convert any currency you want around the world with many great features :: - Very smart currency converter with a nice view - Smart graph for currency state - very smart calculator


MasterOfTipster MasterOfTipster is your tool to calculate tips. With many features witch help you to calculate tips for a group of people - Great and modren view - very smart Calculator - setting to select percentage of discount

GeniusConverter App

GeniusConverter App GeniusConverter App , is your currency converter in your trip. with great features which will make your trip very easy. - Very smart Currency states with graph - Convert any currency you want for other currency - very smart calculator

Travel Currency Converter Ap

Travel Currency Converter Ap Travel Currency Converter App , is your friend in your trips. Features:: - Live Currency Converter to any currency -Smart graph currency exchange state - Smart calculator

Live Exchange Rate App

Live Exchange Rate App Live Exchange Rate app , is your handle tool to follow the state of currency for all countries with many features:: - Live currency exchange rate  - smar calculator  - Currency state with very smart graph


SubjectsManager SubjectsManager is your handle app to mange your school  subjects with many features :: just select your course and write your name then  benefit from all add and edit features in the app


 GradesMan App GradesMan , is your tool to manage you school and university degree.  Features:: -Very simple and smart calculator  -smart grades note score ` - Give you the grades you need to success - know your state in the exam 

Currency Man

Currency Man Currency Man app , is your app to convert any currencies you want with very smart features :: Features:: - Smart currencties converter - Smart Calcuatore - Exchange rate chart  - Special Bitcoin converter